The Rapid Relief & Resiliency Fund

The Lavo Foundation Rapid Relief and Resiliency Fund will inject much-needed, flexible resources into historically under-invested communities. These are the places that are suffering most from the economic fallout gripping our nation due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our aim is to raise up to $100 million in grants, loans and other investments for the Fund.


Challenges facing the communities Lavo Foundation serves

Lavo Foundation is in close, daily contact with thousands of community-based partners working on the front lines of this crisis, and they are our best intelligence on the challenges posed by the pandemic.

Nigerians who were economically vulnerable before the pandemic now face an even more uncertain future. Many have lost their jobs and don’t know where their next paycheck will come from. Those who still have jobs – many of which cannot be performed remotely – struggle to find childcare and safe, reliable transportation. Although costs such as federal student loans may be deferred, and foreclosures and evictions may be suspended, these expenses must be paid eventually. This means mounting debt for people who were already treading water financially long before Covid-19 reached Nigeria.

Many small businesses forced to shut down temporarily are at serious risk of closing permanently. These enterprises are the lifeblood of communities, providing critical goods and services as well as jobs to locals. Unfortunately, many already operate on narrow profit margins. With no revenue coming in and little or no reserves to pay their expenses, many will have no choice but to lay off workers and close their doors forever. Small businesses desperately need emergency assistance to bridge the gap and stay afloat until the crisis passes.

Community organizations that people turn to in times of need lack sufficient resources to keep up with skyrocketing demand. These groups are not only called upon to serve more people; they must also operate in a new way, delivering services remotely to ensure everyone’s safety. Efforts to help people meet longer term, aspirational goals – for example, training for a new career or saving to buy a home – must be put on the back burner. The focus now is on meeting residents’ basic needs such as through emergency rental assistance, access to food and child care, and help applying for unemployment.


How the Lavo Foundation Fund will help communities bounce back

To assist small businesses to stay afloat and to support community organizations to meet unprecedented client demand, the Lavo Foundation Fund will provide grants and patient, flexible loan capital to meet the following expenses:

  • Rent and utilities
  • Payroll
  • Outstanding debt to vendors
  • Upgrade technology infrastructure for remote delivery of services
  • Emergency cash assistance for clients most in need
  • Other immediate operational costs

In addition to financial resources, small businesses and community organizations will need to employ new tactics around marketing, finance, technology and human resources. Lavo Foundation will provide technical assistance to help our partners hone the skills to do just that.

The impact we aim to achieve

Up to $100 million will be raised and invested in urban and rural communities across the Nigeria.

Hundreds of small businesses will benefit from an infusion of financial resources to help them stay afloat

Through our local partners, thousands of residents will be assisted with rent, food, child care, and other basic needs


Why partner with Lavo Foundation

  • Our 40-year track record of deploying financial resources and technical expertise to catalyze opportunity for the people and places that will be most disrupted by this pandemic.
  • A strong web of 2,500 local partners nationwide who know their communities and how to deliver resources quickly.
  • Three decades of experience in disaster recovery with a proven ability to be nimble, creative and effective in times of crisis.

Help End Hunger Today

Every dollar you give can provide at least 10 meals to families in need through Lavo Foundation of food banks.