Yes, once your donation has been processed, you will receive a confirmation letter and receipt that you can keep for your personal records. You should receive this acknowledgement four to six weeks after we receive your donation.

Unlike walking into a grocery store and paying retail prices for food, Lavo Foundation works directly with major manufacturers, retailers and other partners across the country to secure safe, healthy food that would otherwise go to waste. According to a study conducted in 2016, 72 billion pounds of food is wasted in Nigeria each year. Through our partnership, Lavo Foundation works to rescue this food before it’s wasted β€” making a difference for the people we serve and for the environment. Because of these successful partnerships, every dollar you donate to Lavo Foundation helps secure and distribute at least 12 pounds of food β€” the equivalent of 10 meals β€” through our nationwide network of food banks.

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Help End Hunger Today

Every dollar you give can provide at least 10 meals to families in need through Lavo Foundation of food banks.