spring cloud gateway modify response headers

spring cloud gateway modify response headers

To enable wiretap, set spring.cloud.gateway.httpserver.wiretap=true or spring.cloud.gateway.httpclient.wiretap=true for the HttpServer and HttpClient, respectively. per-route http timeouts configuration via configuration, per-route timeouts configuration using Java DSL, Example 73. This section covers common problems that may arise when you use Spring Cloud Gateway. The previous sample defines the Cookie Route Predicate Factory with two arguments, the cookie name, mycookie and the value to match mycookievalue. The RequestHeaderSize GatewayFilter factory takes maxSize and errorHeaderName parameters. To change the default values, set the appropriate property in the spring.cloud.gateway.filter.secure-headers namespace. For relative redirects, you should use uri: no://op as the uri of your route definition. To allow for simple configuration in Java, the RouteLocatorBuilder bean includes a fluent API. The following example configures a method route predicate: This route matches if the request method was a GET or a POST. The following table below summarizes the Spring Cloud Gateway actuator endpoints (note that each endpoint has /actuator/gateway as the base-path): Displays the list of global filters applied to the routes. URI variables may be used in the value and are expanded at runtime. It is the name of the header to be removed. Policy to specify how to modify the response code, body and headers. By using the fluent Java API, you can use the and(), or(), and negate() operators on the Predicate class. Creating and Deleting a Particular Route, 15.8. The gateway maintains a client pool that it uses to route to backends. Sharing Routes between multiple Gateway instances, 17.1. The preceding route matches if the request contained a red query parameter whose value matched the gree. which are java ZonedDateTime objects. connect-timeout must be specified in milliseconds. Removes an existing route from the gateway. The following example configures a cookie route predicate factory: This route matches requests that have a cookie named chocolate whose value matches the ch.p regular expression. The following example configures an RemoveJsonAttributesResponseBody GatewayFilter: This removes attributes "id" and "color" from the JSON content body at root level. To enable the Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker filter, you need to place spring-cloud-starter-circuitbreaker-reactor-resilience4j on the classpath. The following listing shows the definition of the RouteDefinitionLocator interface: By default, a PropertiesRouteDefinitionLocator loads properties by using Spring Boots @ConfigurationProperties mechanism. You can adjust this behavior by setting the spring.cloud.gateway.filter.request-rate-limiter.deny-empty-key (true or false) and spring.cloud.gateway.filter.request-rate-limiter.empty-key-status-code properties. The datetime2 parameter must be after datetime1. Once a request has been marked as routed, other routing filters will not route the request again, The following listing configures a RequestHeaderSize GatewayFilter: This will send a status 431 if size of any request header is greater than 1000 Bytes. In configuration, reference the bean by name using SpEL. There is an abstract class called AbstractRoutePredicateFactory which you can extend. The primary scenario is to use the fallbackUri to define an internal controller or handler within the gateway application. The redis-rate-limiter.replenishRate property defines how many requests per second to allow (without any dropped requests). All pre filter logic is executed. The errorHeaderName parameter sets the name of the response header containing an error message, by default it is "errorMessage". In subsequent calls, this value is recalculated with the number of seconds left until the response expires. The following example configures a RewriteResponseHeader GatewayFilter: For a header value of /42?user=ford&password=omg!what&flag=true, it is set to /42?user=ford&password=***&flag=true after making the downstream request. A number of timeouts are associated with this handshake. Easy to extend and/or customize using standard Spring patterns The following example configures a SaveSession GatewayFilter: If you integrate Spring Security with Spring Session and want to ensure security details have been forwarded to the remote process, this is critical. value or the String representation of the HttpStatus enumeration. SetResponseHeader is aware of URI variables used to match a path or host. If max-age is present on the original response, the value is rewritten with the number of seconds set in the timeToLive configuration parameter. Service 4.3. must be in a class named SomethingGatewayFilterFactory. The following defaults are configured for Retry filter, if enabled: exceptions: IOException and TimeoutException. The default predicate is a path predicate defined with the pattern /serviceId/**, where serviceId is In future milestone releases, there will be some KeyResolver implementations. The RequestRateLimiter is not configurable with the "shortcut" notation. Note that the $ should be replaced with $\ because of the YAML specification. connect-timeout must be specified in milliseconds. Some situations necessitate reading the request body. The request returns a 200 without a response body. Server. exceptions: A list of thrown exceptions that should be retried. The following listing configures a SetResponseHeader GatewayFilter: This GatewayFilter replaces (rather than adding) all headers with the given name. public RouteLocator customRouteLocator(RouteLocatorBuilder routeBuilder){ The input type is a Spring Framework ServerWebExchange. You can use it inside a regular Spring web handler as a method parameter. The name and argument names are listed as code in the first sentence or two of each section. The following table describes the structure of each element (each is a route) of the response: The GatewayFilter factories applied to the route. The redis-rate-limiter.burstCapacity property is the maximum number of requests a user is allowed in a single second (without any dropped requests). application.yml. It takes the stripVersionMode, locationHeaderName, hostValue, and protocolsRegex parameters. Since 4.0.0, Spring Cloud Gateway supports Spring AOT transformations and native images. All. Spring Cloud Gateway, or SCG for short, is a sub-project from the Spring Cloud family that provides an API gateway built on top of a reactive web stack. The following listing configures a websocket routing filter: After the gateway has routed a ServerWebExchange, it marks that exchange as routed by adding gatewayAlreadyRouted Modifying the request body is a common requirement. The following listing configures a filter chain: To enable gateway metrics, add spring-boot-starter-actuator as a project dependency. If you would like us to look at this issue, please provide the requested information and we will re-open the issue. The earlier configuration examples all use a shortcut notation that uses positional arguments rather than named ones. This project provides an API Gateway built on top of the Spring Ecosystem, including: Spring 6, Spring Boot 3 and Project Reactor. If none of these parameters are configured but the global filter is enabled, by default, it configures 5 minutes of time to live for the cached response. Spring Cloud Gateway can forward OAuth2 access tokens downstream to the services URI variables may be used in the value and are expanded at runtime. The following example configures a query route predicate: The preceding route matches if the request contained a green query parameter. This route matches if the request has a Host header with a value of www.somehost.org or beta.somehost.org or www.anotherhost.org. Let's simplify this scenario. In order to modify APIcast behavior with custom policies, you must do the following: Add custom policies to APIcast Define a policy chain that configures APIcast policies Add the policy chain to APIcast 4.1. 1050. It runs after all other filters have completed and writes the proxy response back to the gateway client response. There are convenience methods that you can use to mark an exchange as routed AS_IN_REQUEST: The version is stripped only if the original request path contains no version. The following describes an alternative style gateway. a circuit breaker. return routeBuilder.routes() For example, you might want to extract the trailing elements of a path to pass them downstream: All the features of Spring MVC and Webflux are available to gateway handler methods. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK for TypeScript and JavaScript API Reference - 2.53.1. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. . None of the prior documentation applies to what follows. The following example configures a host route predicate: URI template variables (such as {sub}.myhost.org) are supported as well. I too was experiencing the UnsupportedOperationException when I added a post filter to an existing global filter which had an order that caused the post filter to action to occur after the response had been sent. For the external controller/handler scenario, headers can be added with exception details. The first one is the In case of the request being forwarded to fallback, the Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker Gateway filter also provides the Throwable that has caused it. The following listing shows how to modify a response body GatewayFilter: The PrefixPath GatewayFilter factory takes a single prefix parameter. XForwardedRemoteAddressResolver::maxTrustedIndex takes an index that correlates to the number of trusted infrastructure running in front of Spring Cloud Gateway. The Host route predicate factory takes one parameter: a list of host name patterns. If maxBackoff is configured, the maximum backoff applied is limited to maxBackoff. The following example configures a RemoveRequestParameter GatewayFilter: This will remove the red parameter before it is sent downstream. The ServerHttpResponse instance is used to . The accepted values are RETAIN_FIRST (default), RETAIN_LAST, and RETAIN_UNIQUE. To remove any kind of sensitive header, you should configure this filter for any routes for which you may want to do so. The resulting response is similar to the following: The response contains the details of the GatewayFilter factories applied to any particular route. See the documentation for @RequestMapping in Spring MVC for more details of those features. To configure per-route timeouts: The Spring Cloud Gateway project is built on top of the popular Spring Boot 2 and Project Reactor, so it inherits its main treats: Low resource usage, thanks to its reactive nature Support for all goodies from the Spring Cloud ecosystem (discovery, configuration, etc.) ALWAYS_STRIP: The version is always stripped, even if the original request path contains version. If you include the starter, but you do not want the gateway to be enabled, set spring.cloud.gateway.enabled=false. Then, by default, the metrics will be available as long as the property spring.cloud.gateway.metrics.enabled is set to true. Modify request body. This filter works only with HTTP (including HTTPS) requests. The following listing configures a RewriteLocationResponseHeader GatewayFilter: For example, for a request of POST api.example.com/some/object/name, the Location response header value of object-service.prod.example.net/v2/some/object/id is rewritten as api.example.com/some/object/id. The Reactor Netty HttpClient and HttpServer can have wiretap enabled. Modifying the headers is simple because we can obtain a reference to the HttpHeaders map object: exchange.getRequest () .mutate () .headers (h -> h.setAcceptLanguageAsLocales ( Collections.singletonList (requestLocale))) Copy But, on the other hand, modifying the URI is not a trivial task. The SaveSession GatewayFilter factory forces a WebSession::save operation before forwarding the call downstream. The Netty routing filter runs if the URL located in the ServerWebExchangeUtils.GATEWAY_REQUEST_URL_ATTR exchange attribute has a http or https scheme. This allows more complex routing options, like forwarding sections of the original host or url path using PathPattern expression. (There is also an experimental WebClientHttpRoutingFilter that performs the same function but does not require Netty. it is proxying. For example, to reference a filter named Something in configuration files, the filter Passing headers with Spring Cloud Feign. The resulting response is similar to the following: The response contains the details of the global filters that are in place. The ForwardRoutingFilter looks for a URI in the exchange attribute ServerWebExchangeUtils.GATEWAY_REQUEST_URL_ATTR. Spring Cloud Gateway includes many built-in GatewayFilter Factories. The PreserveHostHeader GatewayFilter factory has no parameters. When communicating over HTTPS, the client initiates a TLS handshake. Spring Cloud Gateway 4.0.3 This project provides an API Gateway built on top of the Spring Ecosystem, including: Spring 6, Spring Boot 3 and Project Reactor. essentially skipping the filter. To disable it, set the following property: This will default to true in a future release. Response data is not cached if Cache-Control header does not allow it (no-store present in the request or no-store or private present in the response). The following properties are available: To disable the default values set the spring.cloud.gateway.filter.secure-headers.disable property with comma-separated values. forwards the incoming token to outgoing resource requests. This approach is vulnerable to spoofing, as a malicious client could set an initial value for the X-Forwarded-For, which would be accepted by the resolver. The XForwarded Remote Addr Route Predicate Factory, 6.5.1. The following listing configures a Retry GatewayFilter: A simplified "shortcut" notation can be added with a single status and method. The route configuration allows applying CORS directly to a route as metadata with key cors. reverse proxies. For example, you can match on the path segment of the URL or the HTTP method of the request. It creates a new named header (toHeader), and the value is extracted out of an existing named header (fromHeader) from the incoming http request. - thaneesh shanand Apr 16, 2018 at 1:05 Spring Cloud Gateway aims to provide a simple, yet effective way to route to APIs and provide cross cutting concerns to them such as: security, monitoring/metrics, and resiliency. This filter sets a request attribute that the routing filter inspects to determine if the original host header should be sent rather than the host header determined by the HTTP client. Configuring Route Predicate Factories and Gateway Filter Factories, 5.10. This is of particular use when using something like Spring Session with a lazy data store, and you need to ensure the session state has been saved before making the forwarded call. This vulnerability is known as HTTP Response Splitting. This handler runs the request through a filter chain that is specific to the request. To add a filter and apply it to all routes, you can use spring.cloud.gateway.default-filters. The filter takes the following arguments: This file can be generated using protoc and specifying the --descriptor_set_out flag: service: Fully qualified name of the service that handles the request. .build(); To change this, set the spring.cloud.gateway.filter.remove-hop-by-hop.headers property to the list of header names to remove. The url parameter should be a valid URL. If Spring Cloud Gateway is, for example only accessible through HAProxy, then a value of 1 should be used. The following example creates a Logback configuration: You can configure the gateway to control CORS behavior globally or per route. The unmodified original URL is appended to the list in the ServerWebExchangeUtils.GATEWAY_ORIGINAL_REQUEST_URL_ATTR attribute. The following listing shows how to add local response cache GatewayFilter: The MapRequestHeader GatewayFilter factory takes fromHeader and toHeader parameters. Have a question about this project? The args key is a map of key value pairs to configure the predicate or filter. If the Gateway Handler Mapping determines that a request matches a route, it is sent to the Gateway Web Handler. The following listing configures a RewritePath GatewayFilter: For a request path of /red/blue, this sets the path to /blue before making the downstream request. For example, when we use Spring Cloud Gateway to implement the gateway, we need to implement a function: parse the JWT stored in the request header, extract the user ID in it, and then write it to the request body. The following listing defines a set of default filters: The GlobalFilter interface has the same signature as GatewayFilter. Those values are then available for use by GatewayFilter factories. If the response is already cached and a new request is performed with no-cache value in Cache-Control header, it returns a bodiless response with 304 (Not Modified). You can extend an abstract class called AbstractGatewayFilterFactory. import static org.springframework.cloud.gateway.support.RouteMetadataUtils.RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_ATTR; @Bean XForwardedRemoteAddressResolver has two static constructor methods, which take different approaches to security: XForwardedRemoteAddressResolver::trustAll returns a RemoteAddressResolver that always takes the first IP address found in the X-Forwarded-For header. This metric will be available from /actuator/metrics/spring.cloud.gateway.routes.count. For each global filter, there is a string representation of the filter object (for example, org.spring[emailprotected]77856cc5) and the corresponding order in the filter chain. 1. The body is cached in a request attribute defined by. It does not work in a traditional Servlet Container or when built as a WAR. URI variables may be used in the value and are expanded at runtime. You can also define a rate limiter as a bean that implements the RateLimiter interface. SetRequestHeader is aware of URI variables used to match a path or host. Spring cloud gateway response body modification. To retrieve the GatewayFilter factories applied to routes, make a GET request to /actuator/gateway/routefilters. The following example configures CORS: In the preceding example, CORS requests are allowed from requests that originate from docs.spring.io for all GET requested paths. This filter can be configured only by using the Java DSL. Spring Cloud Gateway - read response body and set response headers Ask Question Asked 1 year, 11 months ago Modified 1 year, 11 months ago Viewed 675 times 0 I want to implement a GatewayFilter that reads the response body and out of this the response code is determined and should then be set afterwards. Star 14. .uri("http://someuri") The pattern is an Ant-style pattern with . Here is a link to someone asking about ordered filters that may provide more insight: #1341. .application.yml. Note that the null value is due to an incomplete implementation of the endpoint controller, because it tries to set the order of the object in the filter chain, which does not apply to a GatewayFilter factory object. backoff: The configured exponential backoff for the retries. The maxSize parameter is the maximum data size allowed by the request header (including key and value). Setting this value to zero blocks all requests. The gateway can listen for requests on HTTPS by following the usual Spring server configuration. Spring Cloud has it's own way of defining Feign clients, it's done with Spring MVC annotations. The following example configures a RemoteAddr route predicate: This route matches if the remote address of the request was, for example, response-timeout must be specified as a java.time.Duration. AddRequestHeadersIfNotPresent also supports URI variables used to match a path or host. However, you can also reroute the request to a controller or handler in an external application, as follows: In this example, there is no fallback endpoint or handler in the gateway application. The following listing shows how to modify a request body GatewayFilter: You can use the ModifyResponseBody filter to modify the response body before it is sent back to the client. The default request size is set to five MB if not provided as a filter argument in the route definition. The filter also looks in the ServerWebExchangeUtils.GATEWAY_SCHEME_PREFIX_ATTR attribute to see if it equals lb. It is possible to create a gateway filter named without the. By default, the gateway defines a single predicate and filter for routes created with a DiscoveryClient. The collection of filters applied to the route. This combined filter chain is sorted by the org.springframework.core.Ordered interface, which you can set by implementing the getOrder() method. The /gateway actuator endpoint lets you monitor and interact with a Spring Cloud Gateway application. The following example configures an AddRequestParameter GatewayFilter that uses a variable: The AddResponseHeader GatewayFilter Factory takes a name and value parameter. The RemoveJsonAttributesResponseBody GatewayFilter factory takes a collection of attribute names to search for, an optional last parameter from the list can be a boolean to remove the attributes just at root level (thats the default value if not present at the end of the parameter configuration, false) or recursively (true). We will re-open the issue to modify the response contains the details of features... Or filter the appropriate property in the spring.cloud.gateway.filter.secure-headers namespace the redis-rate-limiter.replenishRate property defines how many requests per to. As a project dependency and protocolsRegex parameters signature as GatewayFilter and the value to a... 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spring cloud gateway modify response headers

spring cloud gateway modify response headers